Summer faculty-directed study abroad course application deadline extended to March 15 February 6, 2015The application deadline for many CWRU faculty-directed summer study abroad courses has been extended until March 15. Case...Student Life·
Leonard Gelfand STEM Center seeks students to manage summer program February 4, 2015The Leonard Gelfand STEM Center seeks two graduate students to create and manage a four-week summer program, Future...Student Life·
Learn about summer research in the arts, humanities, social sciences at Feb. 6, 12 sessions February 3, 2015There will be two SOURCE-sponsored information sessions on “Finding Summer Research & Creative Projects in the Humanities, Arts...Student Life·
The Beat UPTOWN continues tomorrow with Mayfield Strings, Uno Lady August 13, 2014The Beat UPTOWN concert series continues tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 14, from 6 to 9 p.m., at the corner...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Modern Languages and Literatures’ Marie Lathers attends summer institute about Flannery O’Connor August 8, 2014Marie Lathers, Treuhaft Professor of French and Humanities, spent July participating in a National Endowment for the Humanities...Publications & Presentations·
The Beat UPTOWN continues tomorrow with Maura Rogers and the Bellows August 6, 2014The Beat UPTOWN, the summer concert series on Toby’s Plaza at the corner of Euclid Avenue and Mayfield...Campus Updates·
Summer research program participants to present work July 30, 2014The Intersections Summer Poster Session is tomorrow, Thursday, July 31, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., in BRB Atrium....Campus Updates·
The Beat UPTOWN concert series continues tomorrow with folk rock band July 30, 2014The Beat UPTOWN summer concert series continues tomorrow, Thursday, July 31,at the corner of Euclid Avenue and Mayfield...Campus Updates·
5 questions with… engineering student, community outreach volunteer James Dolgin July 25, 2014The Center for Civic Engagement and Learning (CCEL) at Case Western Reserve University encourages students to “break out...5questionsFeatured·
Summer barbecue season concludes today with Hawaiian theme July 23, 2014The summer barbecue season concludes today, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., on the Case Quad. The Hawaiian...Campus UpdatesEvents·