Doctoral Fitting Days to be held March 4 and March 20 March 3, 2015The Commencement Office will host two Doctoral Fitting Days: Wednesday, March 4, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m....Student Life·
Limited number of student tickets available for talk with ”Kite Runner” author Khaled Hosseini March 3, 2015A limited number of student tickets will be available for a talk by Khaled Hosseini, author of And...Student Life·
Applications for Stephanie Tubbs Jones Award due on March 17 March 3, 2015Applications are being accepted for the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Award, established to recognize an underrepresented, undergraduate Case Western...Student Life·
Improve English skills with Spoken English Seminar series March 3, 2015Students are invited to register for the second spring section of Educational Services for Students’ (ESS) Spoken English...Student Life·
Learn more about pre-med study abroad options today March 2, 2015Students are invited to learn more about pre-med study abroad options today (Monday, March 2) at 5:30 p.m....Student Life·
Attend Fear 2 Freedom’s “Celebration Night” tonight to support victims of sexual assault March 2, 2015Fear 2 Freedom (F2F), a global nonprofit dedicated to help those affected by sexual assault, will visit Case...EventsStudent Life·
Seniors, first-year students asked to complete National Survey of Student Engagement March 2, 2015First-year students and seniors at Case Western Reserve will receive a reminder on Wednesday, March 4, encouraging them...Student Life·
Nottingham Spirk and CWRU launch partnership to inspire product development and commercialization February 27, 2015A new partnership between Nottingham Spirk, a global product design and business innovation firm known for creating some...Featured·
More shuttles added for cold weather February 27, 2015The university will now provide one additional shuttle from the Carlton Road Complex/Top of the Hill to the...Student Life·
Badminton Club to host semester’s last Net Night tonight February 27, 2015The Badminton Club will host its last Net Night of the semester on Friday, Feb. 27, in Veale...EventsStudent Life·