Learn about semester- or year-long study abroad opportunities during upcoming sessions September 26, 2013Those interested in studying abroad for a semester or a full year are encouraged to stop by the...Student Life·
Wear blue every Friday to display campus pride September 26, 2013The Case Association of Student-Athletes encourage members of the Case Western Reserve University community—from students to administrators—to wear...Student Life·
Transcript online ordering services unavailable Sept. 28 for maintenance September 25, 2013Transcript online ordering services will be unavailable from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28. This...Student Life·
Senior students: Sign up to have your yearbook photos taken Oct. 7-9 September 25, 2013Portraits for the 2014 Retrospect yearbook will be taken Oct. 7-9. To register, visit laurenstudios.com, click on “Schedule...Student Life·
Learn about National Hazing Prevention Week through efforts from Sigma Nu, Phi Mu September 25, 2013Sigma Nu and Phi Mu will have tables set up throughout the remainder of the week in recognition...Student Life·
Get your bicycle tuned up by Case Cycling Team Sept. 26-27 September 25, 2013Case Cycling will host its semesterly bicycle tune-up on the Main Quad Sept. 26 and 27 from 9 a.m....EventsStudent Life·
Attend homecoming concert with headliner Passion Pit; free tickets still available September 24, 2013Celebrate homecoming weekend with a concert headlined by Passion Pit. With hit indie-pop hits like “Take A Walk,” “Sleepyhead” and...EventsStudent Life·
Case Footlighters to celebrate 15th anniversary with performances by student organizations Sept. 27 September 20, 2013The Case Footlighters will celebrate its 15th anniversary with a performing arts celebration on Friday, Sept. 27, at...EventsStudent Life·
Attend the first monthly student brunch at Church of the Covenant this Sunday September 20, 2013Student Community@Covenant will host its first monthly student brunch this Sunday, Sept. 22, at 11 a.m. at the...EventsStudent Life·
Human vs. Zombies returns to CWRU; registration open Sept. 29-30 September 19, 2013This semester’s Human vs. Zombies game will start at midnight, Oct. 2, and continue to Friday, Oct. 11. Registration...EventsStudent Life·