2019 Labor Research and Action Network National Conference May 9, 2019The Social Justice Institute will co-host the 2019 Labor Research and Action Network National Conference June 12–13 in...Events·
Film and discussion—We Exist: Beyond the Binary April 30, 2019There will be a screening of the deeply personal first-hand documentary account of living life beyond the binary...Events·
“Using Photovoice to Capture Diverse Experiences of Cleveland’s Opioid Crisis” April 2, 2019The final event in the 2019 Social Justice Research Lunch Series will be held Tuesday, April 16, from...Events·
Conversation with Sana Mahmud, former captain of the Pakistan Women’s Soccer Team March 22, 2019Join the Social Justice Institute for a light bagel breakfast and conversation with Sana Mahmud, former captain of...Events·
“Embedded Activism: Changing Foster Care from the Inside Out for LGBTQ2S Youth” March 12, 2019The Social Justice Institute and QGrad will host the next session of the Social Justice Research Lunch Series...Events·
“Company Town: A Documentary and Discussion about Environmental Justice, Race and Power” March 4, 2019As part of the Cleveland Humanities Festival, the Social Justice Institute, Master of Public Health program and the...Events·
“The ‘Tiny Horrors’ of Cultural Genocide: Indigenous Children in Residential and Boarding Schools, 1870-1970” February 12, 2019Susan Dominguez, a SAGES teaching fellow, will give a lecture at the next Social Justice Research Lunch Series...Events·
“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Focus on Africa” February 4, 2019In conjunction with the “Thirty” art exhibit, the Social Justice Institute, Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence...Events·
Social Justice Teach-In February 1, 2019The Social Justice Teach-In is designed to inspire students and community members to be active and engaged citizens,...Events·
Students: Apply for research funding from the Social Justice Institute January 18, 2019The Social Justice Institute is accepting proposals from undergraduate and graduate students for a fellowship opportunity to support...Student Life·