Ted Evans named executive director of Siegal Lifelong Learning Program August 30, 2024When Ted Evans completed the Master of Business Administration program at Weatherhead School of Management in 1995, he...AppointmentsFeatured·
“Esperanto: The Rise, Fall and Rise of the International Language” August 29, 2024Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to join the Siegal Lifelong Learning Program for...Events·
“Hacktivism: A Brief History” August 15, 2024“Hacktivists,” or those who hack into computer systems for politically or socially motivated reasons, make the news all...Events·
Siegal Lifelong Learning Program launches new Artificial Intelligence Boot Camp August 14, 2024The Siegal Lifelong Learning Program is launching a new Artificial Intelligence Boot Camp. In partnership with edX, The...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
Siegal Lifelong Learning Program showcase August 5, 2024The Siegal Lifelong Learning Program will host its third annual showcase Wednesday, Aug. 28, featuring a series of...Events·
Dafna Ben-Yosef chosen as the new director of Jewish Lifelong Learning at the Siegal Lifelong Learning Program July 19, 2024The Siegal Lifelong Learning Program recently announced that Dafna Ben-Yosef has been chosen as the new director of...Appointments·
“A Photographer’s Guide to Ohio” June 26, 2024The Siegal Lifelong Learning Program will host an in-person lecture with photographer Ian Adams titled “A Photographer’s Guide...Events·
“Making Sense of Trauma: Israel’s Black Sabbath and Its Aftermath” June 24, 2024The Siegal Lifelong Learning Program will host a lecture titled “Making Sense of Trauma: Israel’s Black Sabbath and...Events·
Siegal Lifelong Learning to offer 4-week remote course June 5, 2024Titled “Aviators of the Information Age: Hackers in American History,” this 4-week series will address who computer “hackers”...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
Siegal Lifelong Learning Program offers several summer book discussions May 29, 2024The Siegal Lifelong Learning Program will host several in-person book discussions this summer. Upcoming discussions will cover The...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·