Law, bioethics professor Max Mehlman publishes article, gives presentations June 13, 2014Maxwell Mehlman, professor of law and bioethics, co-authored “A Framework for Military Bioethics” with 2012-2013 Cowan Post-Doctoral Fellow...Publications & Presentations·
Law’s Juscelino Colares presents, publishes on climate change June 13, 2014Juscelino F. Colares, professor of law and associate director of the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center, will...Publications & Presentations·
”Talking Foreign Policy” program considers factors in ongoing crisis in Ukraine June 9, 2014The next radio broadcast of Talking Foreign Policy examines the international law implications of the ongoing crisis in...Featured·
Staff Advisory Council accepting nominations for representatives June 4, 2014The Staff Advisory Council is accepting nominations for representatives through July 11. Eligibility for membership on the council...Faculty & Staff·
Law school’s Munch Café to be open all summer May 21, 2014Munch, the vegan-friendly eatery located on the second floor of the School of Law, will be open all...Campus Updates·
5 questions with…CDC researcher, law professor Sharona Hoffman May 9, 2014On March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker slammed into Prince William Sound’s Bligh Reef, resulting in...5questionsFeatured·
Law’s Ruqaiijah Yearby discusses racial disparities in health care April 22, 2014Be Well: Health disparities Ideastream: Ruqaiijah Yearby, professor of law and associate director of the Law-Medicine Center, discussed...Media·
Law’s Michael Benza discusses the duration of fraud case against Browns owner’s company April 18, 2014A year after the raids: Haslam, Pilot Flying J continue court battles as Fed probe grinds on The...Media·
School of Law students to argue a case before the Ohio Supreme Court April 8, 2014Law students to argue case before Ohio Supreme Court: Higher Education Roundup The Plain Dealer: Law students Yelena Grinberg,...Media·
State Rep. Connie Pillich to speak at School of Law April 10 April 7, 2014The American Constitution Society will host State Rep. Connie Pillich, a lawyer and Air Force veteran, on Thursday, April 10,...Campus UpdatesEvents·