Research by graduate student Alicia Vagnozzi published in eLife February 21, 2020A research article co-written by Alicia Vagnozzi, graduate student in CWRU’s Department of Neuroscience, has been published in...Publications & Presentations·
Medicine’s Lin Mei speaks about research on autism-related gene January 6, 2020Loss of autism gene may lead to pile-up of proteins in neurons Spectrum: Lin Mei, professor and chair of...Media·
Clinical trials planned for brain tumor ‘GPS’ maps December 20, 2019Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine researcher, Cleveland Clinic neurosurgeon collaborate on three-year project, aided by $600,000...FeaturedHealth & WellnessResearchScience & Tech·
Science Café Cleveland—“The Mind’s Essential Tension: How Neuroscience Can and Must Drive a New Renaissance” November 8, 2019Anthony Jack, associate professor of philosophy and assistant professor of neurosciences and neurology, will present “The Mind’s Essential...Events·
Medicine’s Heather Broihier wins NIH award for mentorship September 11, 2019Case Western Reserve researcher honored by National Institutes of Health for mentorship Crain’s Cleveland Business: The National Institutes...Media·
Neurosciences’ Heather Broihier earns National Institutes of Health honor for outstanding mentorship September 3, 2019Heather Broihier already felt indebted to legendary neurobiologist Story Landis for her scientific success. After all, Landis founded...AwardsFeatured·
5 questions with… researcher, neurosciences chair Lin Mei May 3, 2019When Lin Mei decided to go into medicine, he was following in his parents’ footsteps. Both had careers...5questionsFeaturedPeople·
Discovering a new form of communication in the brain February 25, 2019Case Western Reserve researchers observe waves ‘leap’ across cut in brain tissue; ‘ephaptic coupling’ said to be producing...FeaturedResearchScience & Tech·
Neurosciences’ Lin Mei weighs in on controversy surrounding a Chinese scientist who gene-edited embryos December 21, 2018Chinese scientists are outraged by reports of gene-edited babies The Atlantic: Lin Mei, professor of neurosciences, weighed in on...Media·
Case Western Reserve researchers restore breathing and partial forelimb function in rats with chronic spinal cord injuries December 20, 2018Promising results provide hope for humans suffering from chronic paralysis Millions of people worldwide are living with chronic...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·