Improve English skills with Spoken English Seminar series March 3, 2015Students are invited to register for the second spring section of Educational Services for Students’ (ESS) Spoken English...Student Life·
Apply by March 20 to present at Cancer Research Fair February 25, 2015Colleges Against Cancer will recognize the cancer research being done on campus by undergraduate and graduate students during...Student Life·
Attend Graduate Professional Council general body meeting tonight February 24, 2015The Graduate Professional Council (GPC) will hold its general body meeting today (Feb. 24) from 5:30 to 6:30...EventsStudent Life·
Graduate students: Complete stipend survey for chance to win gift cards February 19, 2015The Graduate Student Senate is conducting a survey of all graduate students to address their stipend concerns and...Student Life·
Deadline for Research ShowCASE abstract submissions is Feb. 15 for all except undergradates February 12, 2015Graduate students, post-docs, professional students, faculty and staff must submit their abstracts for Research ShowCASE by Sunday, Feb....Campus Updates·
Graduate students: Complete survey on experience with stipends February 12, 2015The Graduate Student Senate Task Force for Grad Student Stipends is working to address graduate students’ stipend concerns...Student Life·
Get involved with Graduate Student Sustainability Council February 11, 2015Interested in sustainability-related issues, such as how to reuse, reduce and recycle more waste on campus? The Graduate...Student Life·
Graduate Student Senate offers coupons for “Parks and Rec” stars’ comedy show February 9, 2015Graduate Student Senate will provide graduate students with coupons for $5 off the Nick Offerman and Retta comedy...Student Life·
Leonard Gelfand STEM Center seeks students to manage summer program February 4, 2015The Leonard Gelfand STEM Center seeks two graduate students to create and manage a four-week summer program, Future...Student Life·
Female graduate students invited to lunchtime discussion on body image, self-care January 27, 2015The Flora Stone Mather Center for Women invites all female graduate students to a lunchtime discussion on body...EventsStudent Life·