Black Harvest Barbecue October 15, 2018Black graduate students are welcome to attend the Black Harvest Barbecue to meet other students, faculty and staff...Events·
Graduate Student Professional Development and Learning Seminar: “Instructing in the Labs” October 10, 2018The University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education will offer a Graduate Student Professional Development and Learning...Events·
Graduate Student Council Alumni Meet and Greet October 10, 2018The Graduate Student Council will host an Alumni Meet and Greet Saturday, Oct. 13, from 5 to 8...Events·
WISHED general body meeting October 5, 2018Join WISHED (Women in Science and Humanities Earning Doctorates) for its October General Body Meeting to connect with...Events·
Graduate students: Connect with fellow students across cultures October 3, 2018Graduate students still have time to join the iPals (International Partnerships and Learning) program to benefit from a cross-cultural experience....Student Life·
“Self Awareness: Discovering Your Best Self” September 24, 2018The Office of Student Activities & Leadership will host three sessions for graduate students to develop their true...Events·
QGrad Kickoff Party September 13, 2018Celebrate the beginning of the school year and join QGrad, the LGBTQA+ graduate student association, for its fifth...Events·
Graduate students: Explore Diversity 360 topics with a cohort of fellow students September 11, 2018Graduate students can further explore topics introduced in the Diversity 360 with a cohort of fellow students. The...Student Life·
Apply now for the Graduate Student Coaching Program September 6, 2018The Office of Student Activities & Leadership and the Professional Development Center of Graduate Studies are accepting applications...Student Life·
iPALS Program Kickoff September 4, 2018The Center for International Affairs will kick off the second year of the iPALS program with a grill...Events·