Department of English offers over $1,500 in awards for annual writing contest February 3, 2022The Department of English once again will host its annual prize competitions. The deadline for all submissions is...Campus Updates·
English’s Cara Byrne discusses the value of reading picture books, for both parents and children January 19, 2022Mom benefits from children’s book program Spectrum News: Cara Byrne, lecturer in the Department of English in the...Media·
SAGES Teaching Fellow Anthony Wexler writes about American road literature’s waning popularity October 29, 2021Anthony Wexler, SAGES Teaching Fellow and lecturer in the English department, was recently featured in Canadian newspaper, The...Op-ed·
Faculty members win Writing Program awards June 4, 2021In lieu of an in-person ceremony this year, the Writing Program celebrated the accomplishments of writing faculty and...Awards·
College of Arts and Science’s Gabrielle Parkin receives 2021 Jackson Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring May 25, 2021“To create a just city within myself: If I live by anything, I live by that moment.” This...AwardsFeaturedUniversity News·
“‘Allies Consult!’ Toward Inclusive Anti-Racist Teaching” April 12, 2021Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to a workshop titled “‘Allies Consult!’ Toward Inclusive...Events·
“Say They Name in Black English: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Atatiana Jefferson, Aura Rosser, Trayvon Martin and the Need to Move from College Writing Instruction and Toward Black Linguistic Arts” April 7, 2021The 2021 Edward S. and Melinda Sadar Lecture in Writing in the Disciplines will host Vershawn Ashanti Young,...Events·
History’s John Grabowski discusses the history of Cleveland’s neighborhoods March 29, 2021How did Cleveland’s neighborhoods get their names? ideastream: John Grabowski, the Krieger-Mueller Joint Professor in History, discussed the...Media·
Arts and Sciences’ Dave Lucas emphasizes the importance of expressive arts March 11, 2021Why kids need poetry in their lives, and how to spark their interest in it The Washington Post:...Media·
Apply for annual Department of English prize competition March 8, 2021The Department of English is offering more than $1,500 in awards through its annual prize competition. The deadline...Student Life·