Law’s Sharona Hoffman explains why airlines can put those who refuse face masks on a no-fly list August 12, 2020Coronavirus FAQ: Can an airline put you on a no-fly list for refusing to mask up? NPR: Sharona Hoffman,...Media·
Nursing’s Shanina Knighton talks about controversy on the safety of single-use or reusable plastic bags August 11, 2020Lawsuits filed alleging unsanitary conditions for grocery store workers during pandemic Legal Newsline: Shanina Knighton, an instructor and KL2...Media·
Medicine’s Mark Cameron discusses face masks August 11, 2020Westlake mom creates mask pipeline, hopes to develop ‘Adopt a School’ program WEWS: Mark Cameron, an associate professor in...Media·
Weatherhead’s Stephan Liozu comments on COVID-19-related challenges businesses face regarding pricing August 11, 2020Now what? Better cost-based pricing, or value-based pricing? IndustryWeek: Stephan Liozu, adjunct professor and research fellow at the Weatherhead...Media·
Weatherhead School’s Michael Goldberg weighs in on changing business models during pandemic August 10, 2020Coronavirus: Jump in alcohol sales doesn’t benefit producers equally The Columbus Dispatch: Michael Goldberg, associate professor in the Department...Media·
Medicine’s Mark Cameron discusses how schools may become a hub of local COVID-19 transmission map August 10, 2020Kids in classrooms could make the pandemic much worse Medium: Mark Cameron, an associate professor at the School of...Media·
Mandel School’s Megan Holmes discusses research on trauma caused by novel coronavirus pandemic August 10, 2020Some Americans may be suffering from pandemic-related post-traumatic stress symptoms, study says WOIO via CNN: Megan Holmes, an associate...Media·
Medicine’s Ankur Kalra discusses incidence of stress cardiomyopathy during pandemic August 7, 2020‘Broken heart syndrome’ increased during COVID-19 Healio: Ankur Kalra, an assistant professor at the School of Medicine, said that...Media·
Medicine’s Michael M. Lederman offers thoughts on risks of in-person voting this fall August 7, 2020More than 200 doctors and health care professionals demand coronavirus protections from Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose...Media·
Weatherhead School’s Michael Goldberg talks about virtual internship program he launched due to pandemic August 6, 2020Businesses offer Case Western Reserve students virtual summer internships Cleveland Business Journal: Michael Goldberg, associate professor in the Department...Media·