School of Law asks for donations to benefit the Greater Cleveland Food Bank July 8, 2014The Case Western Reserve University School of Law is a partner in Ohio’s Law and Leadership Institute. The...Campus Updates·
Are you planning to participate in the 2014 Gay Games? Let us know! July 7, 2014The Daily is looking to highlight athletes who plan to participate in the 2014 Gay Games in Cleveland...Campus Updates·
Is Cleveland dying? Find out in next Public Affairs Discussion Group April 17, 2014John A. Begala, executive director of the Center for Community Solutions, will lead this week’s Public Affairs Discussion,...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Weatherhead’s Michael Goldberg talks Cleveland’s entrepreneurial model January 22, 2014Cleveland-style entrepreneurship offering model to world cities The Plain Dealer: Michael Goldberg, visiting assistant professor of design &...Media·
Begun Center joins Cleveland partners to reduce crime in Mt. Pleasant neighborhood October 8, 2013Case Western Reserve University’s Begun Center for Violence Research Prevention and Education will participate in the City of...Featured·
CWRU, Cinematheque bring rare Japanese films to Cleveland this fall September 17, 2013“Rarely Seen Gems of Japanese Cinema,” a film festival of four major Japanese classics with very limited showings...EventsFeatured·
Biomedical Engineering’s Hunter Peckham discusses neurotechnology in Greater Cleveland August 23, 2013Ohio’s neurostimulation industry: On the brink of a breakout hi velocity: Hunter Peckham, the Donnell Professor of Biomedical Engineering...Media·
Begun Center joins Cuyahoga County anti-domestic violence initiative July 29, 2013Since 2009, domestic violence in the Cleveland area has resulted in the deaths of more than 40 victims,...Featured·
National Senior Games coming to Cleveland, CWRU July 18, 2013Over the next two and a half weeks, about 11,000 athletes will come to Cleveland for the 2013...EventsFeatured·
Cleveland students wrap up Bridges to Higher Education program at CWRU April 4, 2013They delved into human anatomy and learned CPR. They explored the engineering that goes into rebuilding a historic...Featured·