Tinkham Veale University Center to close over winter recess December 16, 2024Tinkham Veale University Center will be closed for winter recess beginning Dec. 20 at 5 p.m. No card...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
Share your thoughts on CWRU’s brand December 12, 2024Case Western Reserve University is conducting research to better understand perceptions of our brand to help guide our...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
University Farm food associate Jonas Portillo discusses ideal companions for kale December 10, 20248 plants you should always grow next to kale, according to pro gardenersMartha Stewart: Jonas Portillo, farm food associate...Media·
VP of campus services Dick Jamieson and Associate VP of campus services discuss university plan to use reusable dining containers December 10, 2024Not your typical takeout—CWRU students eat on the go with the environment in mindcleveland.com: Dick Jamieson, vice president of...Media·
Vice president and chief information officer Miro Humer shares insights on collaboration December 6, 2024Leveraging objective prioritization to serve the research agendaTransformed (podcast): Miro Humer, vice president and chief information officer, shared his insights...Media·
Provost Joy K. Ward, VP of student affairs Travis Apgar, and undergraduate students Sheetal Tandon and Paxton Sandoval discuss Family Thanksgiving at CWRU December 5, 2024Students celebrate holidays away from home at CWRU’s Thanksgiving feastSpectrum News: Joy K. Ward, provost and executive vice president, Travis...Media·
EMS Spartan Reservation System to undergo maintenance November 27, 2024Due to scheduled maintenance, the EMS Spartan Reservation System will be unavailable from Thursday, Nov. 28, at 9...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
Donate or receive a winter coat November 27, 2024Covenant Campus Ministry, United Protestant Campus Ministries, Muslim Student Association and the Office of International Student Resources and...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
Associate vice president of local government and community relations, Julian Rogers, discusses Wade Park Community Engagement Center November 26, 2024A new home for community engagement at Case Western ReserveThe Land: Julian Rogers, associate vice president of local government...Media·
Power of Diversity Lecture Series: “Muslim/Arab Identity and Islamophobia” November 22, 2024The Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Engagement sponsors the Power of Diversity Lecture Series to inspire campus...Events·