“Using Photovoice to Capture Diverse Experiences of Cleveland’s Opioid Crisis” April 2, 2019The final event in the 2019 Social Justice Research Lunch Series will be held Tuesday, April 16, from...Events·
“Austerity, Precarious Use and the Elusive AIDS-Free Generation in Mozambique” March 18, 2019Rachel Chapman, associate professor in anthropology at University of Washington, will be on campus Friday, March 22, for...Events·
On FDA panel, CWRU professor endorses new ketamine-related depression medication February 19, 2019As part of panel of experts convened by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Case Western Reserve...FeaturedHealth & WellnessHumanities, Art & Social SciencesResearch·
Uganda-CWRU Research Collaboration celebrates 30th anniversary with events Oct. 25-26 October 25, 2018Case Western Reserve University’s partnership with Uganda all began with an invitation. In 1986, the Ugandan Minster of...FeaturedUniversity News·
Origins Science Scholars Series—“Tracing Evolution: Where Modern Human Variation Comes from and Why” October 3, 2018The Origins Science Scholars Series will continue with a presentation by Cynthia Beall, Distinguished University Professor and the...Events·
Global Health Design in Uganda information session September 19, 2018Students are invited to an information session on the Global Health Design in Uganda spring break travel course...Events·
Anthropology’s Lee Hoffer describes dynamics of illegal drug markets April 20, 2018A crackdown on drug dealers is also a crackdown on drug users FiveThirtyEight: Lee Hoffer, associate professor of...Media·
“Food as Moral Discourse in Contemporary Rural China” April 11, 2018The fourth lecture in the Anthropology Lecture Series, hosted by the Department of Anthropology, will feature Ellen Oxfeld,...Events·
Students: Apply for one-year Master of Arts in Medical Anthropology and Global Health program March 28, 2018The Department of Anthropology at Case Western Reserve University offers a one-year Master of Arts in Medical Anthropology...Student Life·
“Building Complex Collaborative Community Intervention Studies” March 21, 2018The Department of Anthropology will host medical anthropologist Jean Schensul for the third guest lecture of the Anthropology...Events·