Support Staff Educational Enhancement Fund at Steps4Staff Sept. 25

The sixth annual Steps4Staff will be held Friday, Sept. 25, beginning at 3 p.m. in front of Adelbert Gymnasium. In case of rain, the event will held inside.

Registration is $15, and all proceeds go to the Staff Advisory Council’s (SAC) Staff Educational Enhancement Fund. Staff members can apply to the fund for awards for textbooks, courses off campus, conferences, workshops and other activities that allow them to develop new skills.

Elizabeth J. Keefer, senior vice president for administration, encourages everyone to attend the event, and also encourages supervisors to give their employees time to participate.

All those who register or make a $15 donation will receive a water bottle.

Steps4Staff is a joint effort of the Staff Advisory Council and the Department of Human Resources.

For more information about SAC and to register, visit

Registration is available online.