Hosted by the Laura and Alvin Siegal Lifelong Learning Program, the fourth lecture in the Substance Abuse Series is titled “Sober Living Homes Make a Difference.” The lecture will be held Thursday, Dec. 7, at 7 p.m. in the Landmark Centre (25700 Science Park Dr., Beachwood).
Attendees will meet three people who started and now oversee the Meadowdale Sober Living House in Cleveland Heights as well as one of the residents benefiting from the work they do. The panelists are:
- Russell Goodwin, founding board member of Sober Living Cleveland;
- Erin Helm, executive director of Woodrow House in Lakewood and chemical dependency counselor; and
- Kelly Meyers, house manager at Meadowdale Sober Living House.
The event is free and open to the public.