Faculty: Submit your proposal for the 2014 Freedman Fellows Program by March 31

The Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship now is accepting proposals for the 2014 Freedman Fellows Program. The program is supported by the College of Arts and Sciences, the Kelvin Smith Library and the Freedman Fellows Endowment, established by Marian K. and Samuel B. Freedman. It is open to all full-time faculty members.

This year, the Freedman Fellows Program will select one or more scholarly projects to support that best meet established criteria. The submitted project must:

  • Be underway;
  • Involve some corpus of data that is of scholarly or instructional interest (e.g. data sets, digital texts, digital images, databases);
  • Involve the use of digital tools and processes;
  • Have clearly articulated project benchmarks and outcomes.

Through the Freedman Center, the fellows program provides support for using emerging technologies at every stage of the project, from generating data to curating it. The Freedman Center staff assists fellows with using digital tools and processes for data-mining, textual analysis, geospatial information systems mapping and data visualization. Likewise, they help fellows with the more technical aspects of design, visualization and presentation. Utilizing Digital Case, they assist with managing and curating research data: storage, preservation, analysis and access. In the final stages, they consult with fellows about the available dissemination and publication options, and about using digital resources in teaching and learning.

This year the funding model is more flexible, providing a pool of funds that can be used to support projects of varying size. Proposed funding requests can range from $1,000 to $15,000. Use of funds is limited to supporting the expenses related to innovative scholarly or creative projects that meet the Freedman Fellows 2014 criteria. Fellows will also receive planning and project support.

Proposals are due Monday, March 31.

Further information about the 2014 Freedman Fellows program is available at library.case.edu/ksl/freedmanfellows.