The Social Justice Institute is calling for proposals for Faculty Research Fellows for the 2019-20 school year. Funding from $2,500 to $10,000 is available to tenured, tenure-track or other permanent faculty members who can demonstrate a long-term commitment to social justice at Case Western Reserve University. The funds will support research related to social justice in any discipline.
Social justice is defined as eradicating systems of power and oppression with the purpose of advancing fairness and equality through the redistribution of resources and opportunities, and exalting human dignity and respect.
The proposed research may use field-specific primary and/or secondary sources; this may include research in archives and manuscript collections, artwork and musical scores, data collection and analysis, and examination of existing databases and literature.
For proposal guidelines, visit the Social Justice Institute website. The deadline for all applications is Friday, March 1, at 5 p.m.
Contact Social Justice Institute Administrator Lisa Kollins with questions at 216.368.7568 or