The University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education (UCITE) invites faculty members to nominate fellow faculty members for a 2014-2015 Glennan Fellowship.
Glennan Fellows are perceived as role models for new faculty members at Case Western Reserve, and the program is designed to identify and reward promising junior faculty members and facilitate their growth as teachers and scholars. Fellowships will be awarded based on evidence of promise for a balanced career in both teaching and scholarship and on the proposals that are submitted by the nominees.
Glennan Fellows must be regular faculty members who are in the tenure track, but not yet tenured. Glennan Fellows must also be un-tenured during the year they hold their fellowships.
To nominate a faculty member, any faculty colleague of the nominee may submit a nomination letter, or it can be a self-nomination. The nomination letter must be no longer than one page and must have three signatures in total. While co-signatures from senior faculty are suggested, they are not essential.
The letter of nomination will form an important part of the nominee’s file that is evaluated for the award. Hence, the nominating letter should make a strong case as to why the nominators feel that the nominee deserves the award, such as by defining the qualities of the nominee that make him or her worthy of it and highlighting the evidence of excellence in scholarship and teaching.
The signed nominating letter should be received by UCITE by Friday, March 7. Once nominated, the nominee is then responsible for submitting a proposal to UCITE by Monday, March 17.
Visit the UCITE website for more information about the application process.