The Office of the Provost, Information Technology Services and iThink Distributed Learning Group announce a call for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) proposals to faculty members at Case Western Reserve University.
MOOCs are open, participatory, and support a globally networked and engaged learning community. They will be offered in a global, open, online space through partnerships that CWRU is establishing with a range of open learning partners, including Coursera, Udacity and The New Media Consortium.
Faculty members are invited to express their interest in developing a MOOC by submitting a course proposal. The course can be a version of an existing on-campus course or an entirely new one. The course may be a traditional 14-week course or as short as four weeks in duration and can be taught individually or jointly with another faculty member. Courses will begin to launch spring 2013.
More information, including a list of proposal requirements and suggestions, can be found at