UCITE First Fridays: (Re)-Engaging Students in Pandemic Learning Environments: People (Faculty) Teaching People (Students) | The Daily The Daily The Daily

UCITE First Fridays: (Re)-Engaging Students in Pandemic Learning Environments: People (Faculty) Teaching People (Students)

UCITE First Fridays: (Re)-Engaging Students in Pandemic Learning Environments: People (Faculty) Teaching People (Students) SeptemberSep 03 2021 11:30am - 12:40pmAllen Memorial Medical Library

Students entering college this fall learned in a variety of teaching formats over the past 13 months. Remote learning, alternate schedules and access points, and navigation of home and school in new ways all made this period a challenging time to finish high school and transition to college. 

To broaden the perspectives of Case Western Reserve University faculty and staff members, Matthew Garrett and Jenny Hadingham will share information from the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) to give faculty a better idea of who may be learning in CWRU classrooms this semester. Participants will consider activities to ascertain what types of prior knowledge students are bringing with them and ideas to engage a variety of class sizes.

The discussion will be held Friday, Sept. 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. at the Allen Memorial Library (Herrick Room). This free event will be catered; registration is requested. For more information, email ucite@case.edu.

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