“So You Found Some Uranium—Now What?”

“So You Found Some Uranium—Now What?” AprilApr 15 2019 05:00pm - 06:00pmTinkham Veale University Center

The Case Western Reserve University Science and Human Rights Coalition will host a lecture titled “So You Found Some Uranium—Now What?” by Christine E. Duval, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering. The lecture will be held Monday, April 15, from 5 to 6 p.m. at Tinkham Veale University Center, First Floor Conference Room.

About the lecture

Illicit nuclear activities such as the assembly of weapons of mass destruction or radiological dispersal devices (“dirty bombs”) pose a threat to national and world security. National governments and worldwide organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency share an interest in monitoring and regulating international nuclear processes and materials. While performing monitoring activities, it is possible to encounter nuclear material that is out of regulatory control (i.e. smuggled or produced illicitly).

To stop the proliferation pathway and identify the culprit, it is necessary to perform a nuclear forensic analysis. Nuclear forensics involves the examination of radioactive materials, using a variety of analytical techniques, with an end goal of determining the history and origin of the substance. Results of a nuclear forensic analysis guide law-enforcement agencies.

This talk will:

  • Provide an overview of nuclear policy in the United States;
  • Identify international and domestic stakeholders;
  • Introduce the role of scientists in nuclear forensics; and
  • Discuss the response of U.S. and international agencies to interdicted materials.

The lecture will be free and open to the public.

Register through the CWRU Science and Human Rights Coalition CampusGroups page.

About the speaker

Duval’s research group develops advanced materials (resins and membrane adsorbers) for highly selective separations. These materials have applications in nuclear forensics, medical isotope purification and environmental remediation.

Duval received her bachelor’s of science in chemical engineering from the University of Connecticut in 2011 and her PhD in chemical engineering from Clemson University in 2017. Outside of her academic experiences, she has worked as a business consultant at the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation writing business plans for high-tech startup companies. She also served as the director of marketing at Amastan LLC, a Connecticut-based plasma company.

Before joining the faculty at Case Western Reserve University in August 2017, she was a summer scholar with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence in the Nuclear Materials Information Program.

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