Overwatch 3v3 Lockout Elimination Tournament

Overwatch 3v3 Lockout Elimination Tournament AprilApr 05 2019 05:00pm - 07:00pmOlin Building

The Case Western Reserve University Esports Club will host an Overwatch tournament Friday, April 5, at 5 p.m. in the Olin Building fourth-floor gaming lab.

The tournament will be structured as 3v3 lockout elimination with each round being best two-of-three. The map will be decided by a coin flip and subsequent selections by the losing team.

The tournament will be in the double-elimination style, with the winner’s bracket and the loser’s bracket vying for first choice of prizes, which will be given courtesy of Tespa, Asus, Republic of Gamers and Blizzard.

Those interested in competing can fill out the form on the CWRU Esports Facebook page by Monday, April 1. Teams need to have three individuals in order to sign up. The member of the team who has the highest skill rating will determine the team’s seeding position.

Those with questions can email gqr@case.edu.

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