In honor of National Volunteer Week, the Center for Civic Engagement & Learning (CCEL) will continue its Social Change Series by highlighting social responsibility through a week of projects and events April 17–22.
Students are invited to engage in a virtual or on-campus service project, including making fleece blankets, supporting people-powered research or providing feedback to incarcerated poets. Students also can explore an educational program, such as Prosocial Bystander Training, the Navigating Virtual Volunteering information session or a CareerLab resume review focused on promoting service on their resume.
The Virtual Career Lab led by a Career Consulting Intern from Post Graduate Planning & Experiential Education will provide quick guidance on your resume with specific information related to marketing civic engagement experiences as a CWRU student.
This Virtual Career Lab will be drop-in style and does not require you to attend at a specific time, however advanced registration is required to ensure capacity for providing resume guidance.
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