“Emigración y Alfabetización: Fuentes Escritas y Gráficas”

“Emigración y Alfabetización: Fuentes Escritas y Gráficas” MarchMar 31 2021 03:20pm - 04:20pm

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures will host a talk with Ángel Mato Díaz titled “Emigración y Alfabetización: Fuentes Escritas y Gráficas” Wednesday, March 31, at 3:20 p.m.

Ángel Mato Díaz received his PhD in history from the University of Oviedo. He has served as a professor of geography and history at different academic institutions in Asturias. His research is related to the world of literacy processes, formal and non-formal education, popular culture and reading—especially in Ateneos, cultural societies and popular libraries. His publications on the topic include Popular Reading in Asturias (1869-1936) (1991) and The Primary School in Asturias (1923-1937), and Literacy and Schooling Processes (1992). Recently, Mato Díaz published Puro Gijón (2019) and Puro Asturias (2020), both related to historical photography and its usefulness in the dissemination of the past. 

Contact Elena Fernandez at eif@case.edu to register for the event and receive the Zoom link.

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