“Communication Strategies during Difficult Times”

“Communication Strategies during Difficult Times” NovemberNov 06 2020 12:00pm - 01:00pm

During the turbulent election season, communication skills are more important than ever. Communication skills are vital tools for dealing with campus, community and personal relationships. Yet, when it comes to communicating, few people think about the messages they send either verbally or nonverbally. This is particularly true in highly charged circumstances, such as political discussions in which emotions may run high and weak interpersonal skills can worsen the situation.

Faculty, staff and students are invited to participate in a one-hour webinar titled “Communication Strategies during Difficult Times,” presented by Valeri Furst, a communication consultant with a background as both a lawyer and on-air reporter.

The webinar, which will take place Friday, Nov. 6, at noon, is specifically designed to assist participants in developing the skills to be stronger communicators.

The event is open to the CWRU community; advance registration is required.

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