“Accessing Health Care in the United States”

“Accessing Health Care in the United States” OctoberOct 28 2019 04:00pm - 05:00pmAdelbert Hall - 2040 Adelbert Road Cleveland, OH 44106

Health care in the United States can be confusing, overwhelming and expensive. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs will host a free educational session on how to access health care in the United States for international members of the university community. Titled “Accessing Health Care in the United States,” the event will be held Monday, Oct. 28, from 4 to 5 p.m. in Adelbert Hall’s Toepfer Room (second floor).

Guest speakers from Garnett-Powers and Associates will review how insurance works, provide explanations for the technical terms used in the industry and explain how to best find a physician.

RSVP for the session.

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Adelbert Hall - 2040 Adelbert Road Cleveland, OH 44106


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