Anant Madabhushi teaching class

Springer e-book co-authored by engineering’s Anant Madabhushi in top 25% of most downloaded books in AI category

professor anant madabhushi
Professor Anant Madabhushi

Anant Madabhushi, director of the Center for Computational Imaging and Personalized Diagnostics, is among the authors of the e-book, Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support. It has been downloaded more than 137,000 times, putting it in the top 25% of most downloaded books under the Springer family of artificial intelligence publications in 2018.

Artificial intelligence in medicine is an increasingly hot topic, as the technology can help not only with diagnosis, prognosis and predicting response to therapy for patients, but also alleviate the financial toxicity of many high-cost treatments. The e-book delves into the design and use of deep learning methods in medical imaging, as well as new techniques of multimodal mining/retrieval and their use in clinical decision support.