Photo of Reema Sen

Spartan Showcase: Reema Sen

Photo of Reema Sen posing for a photo in front of a waterfall

Program: PhD program in sociology
Year: Fourth

From the frozen lakes and monasteries in Tibet to the Amazon and Machu Picchu in Peru to the Bavarian castles and museums of Italy, Reema Sen has seen much of the world. Having traveled to 59 countries, Sen has called several home, including her native India, China and the United Kingdom.

Now, Sen lives in the United States, first moving to Cleveland in 2018 to become a PhD candidate in sociology at Case Western Reserve University. Here, her research focuses on women in the workplace, including their experiences as they relate to social justice, diversity and health.

Her previous work experiences helped shape her research interests—and her love for travel. Sen worked in human resources management in India and Hong Kong with HSBC Bank. From there, she decided to run her own global consulting business before becoming head of human resources with Bangladesh-based BRAC, the world’s largest non-governmental organization. During her career, she also taught criminal justice at the University of Hong Kong and volunteered with a refugee center in Hong Kong.

Fast forward to the present, Sen took a break from her recent comprehensive exams to reflect, responding to a call Literary Cleveland put out for immigrants to share their stories to be published in Cleveland Scene magazine.

When Sen sat down to put her experience into words, it all came out in an hour as a stream of consciousness. 

Sen shared observations on racial tensions, her confusion on certain aspects of American culture, and reflected on the standout qualities of Cleveland. 

She ended her piece, titled “Rolling Stone Gathers Moss,” on a positive note: “And yes, I have discovered lately, a community of writers/book lovers who make me feel quite at home. The air is clean, the people have voted, the opportunities are immense, and people still read (curl up at Loganberry Books anytime) and write!”

Read her piece, and others by immigrants in Cleveland.