Social work, health law among top 10 in graduate school rankings

U.S. News & World Report’s latest edition of graduate and professional school rankings brought bright news for several Case Western Reserve University programs, as well as meaningful insights regarding ways other offerings can advance.

The master’s degree program in social work at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences ranked 9th out of 215 accredited offerings. Also near the top of this year’s national standings are the university’s specialty programs in health law—8th—and international law—11th. Finally, the School of Medicine maintained its position as one of the top 25 programs in the country, and its primary care program leapt 20 slots to stand 35th overall.

“We applaud the schools and programs that continue to be recognized for their academic excellence, as well as those that have shown significant progress,” President Barbara R. Snyder said. “At the same time, we are committed to raising the standing of all of our academic programs—in substance as well as stature.”

The law school ranked 67th among 145 first-tier schools (others are grouped into lower tiers without numerical rankings) while the master’s in business administration program at Weatherhead School of Management climbed 28 positions over last year, appearing at 52 among 441 accredited programs.  Finally, the Case School of Engineering ranked 47th out of 198 schools offering doctoral programs. Both the law and engineering schools appointed new deans in the past year; the management school is amid a dean search this year.

Surveys for nursing programs took place last year. The Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing’s master’s program finished 15th in the country, and its geriatric nurse practitioner program ranked 5th.

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