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“Sibling Rivalry in the Book of Genesis”

The Siegal Lifelong Learning Program will offer a remote lecture titled “Sibling Rivalry in the Book of Genesis” Wednesday, March 24, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Anthony Wexler, a SAGES Teaching Fellow and lecturer in the Department of English, will teach the course.

The book of Genesis is full of stories about siblings who do not get along. Indeed, it would be impossible to read Genesis without considering the first fratricide, or the struggles between Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, Rachel and Leah, and Joseph and his brothers. 

This lecture will examine these rivalries and the connections between them. It will consider why such rivalries play such an important role in the first book of the Bible, and the role that parents play—or fail to play—in these rivalries.

Register for the lecture.