Over the past few weeks, your social media pages have likely been flooded with cute pictures posted by family and friends of their children heading back to school. Seeing these images may have inspired memories of your own school days and the excitement—and maybe even nervousness—of starting a new academic year.
In honor of National School Photo Day, we’re asking faculty and staff members across campus to connect with their students by showcasing photos of themselves when they were in school. Please consider sharing a photo of yourself back in the day and answering a few questions about your education as a child for potential inclusion in a future article in The Daily, on social media and/or school-based communications. Your school photo can be from any stage of your time in school—elementary school, middle school, high school or college.
Please submit your photo to The Daily by Sept. 11 for consideration.
Note: Because of the volume of submissions, we can’t guarantee everyone will be featured.