Research Participants Needed

The Mood Disorders Program in the Department of Psychiatry at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center is conducting a study to look at brain activity in health volunteers compared to those with bipolar disorder using MRI technology. Learning more about possible differences may help us to develop better treatments for people with bipolar disorder who are not helped by currently available treatments. We are looking for people at least 18 years of age to participate.

You may be eligible for this study if you have bipolar disorder. We are also looking for people without any psychiatric disorders to participate in this study as healthy controls. There are a maximum of three visits lasting one to two hours each. An MRI scan, eye tracking assessments, and cognitive testing may be performed, depending on the group you are in. Participants will be compensated for their time.

This study is being done in collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Sweet, a neurosurgeon in the Division of Functional & Stereotactic Neurosurgery at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

For more information, please call (216) 844-2863 or visit