ACES + Distinguished Lectureship series presents Madeline Camara-Betancourt, professor of Latin American Literature at the University of South Florida and a renowned scholar in the field of Cuban and women’s studies.
Camara-Betancourt will lead four events April 4-6. On April 4 at 4 p.m., she will lead “Imagining a Matria: Four Women Writers” in Clark Hall 306. On April 5 at 10:30 a.m., she will lead an open talk in Spanish, “Encuentros transatlánticos: María Zambrano, Lydia Cabrera e Inés María de Mendoza” in Guilford Lounge.
On April 6, she will take part in two events: “There is postmodern Cuban culture today?” This talk, which includes the projection of a short non-fiction film, will be held in Mather Memorial 125 beginning at 11 a.m. Then, at 5 p.m. in Guilford Lounge, there will be a poetry reading with faculty from the departments of modern languages and literatures, history and English.
Camara-Betancourt was born in Cuba and received her bachelor of arts degree from University of Havana. She obtained her master’s degree from Colegio de Mexico and her doctoral degree from State University of New York at Stony Brook. Her recent publications include Family Frames: Cuban Women Writers, Imagining a Matria (2008) and La letra rebelde, Estudio de escritoras cubanas (2002).