Recycle old computers, cell phones and more in e-waste drive, part of Case for Community Day

As part of the 10th annual Case for Community Day, the university will once again host an e-waste recycling drive. Members of the campus community are encouraged to bring their old technology—cell phones, computers, printers, keyboards, mice cords, chargers and cables (but no TVs)—from home or the office to campus Friday, Oct. 19, so Case Western Reserve University’s partner RET3 can recycle or refurbish it. Even if the equipment no longer works, individuals should still donate the items so parts can be reused or recycled.

RET3 is a nonprofit organization dedicated to refurbishing and recycling electronic equipment to donate to the community. RET3’s Green Computing Program provides refurbished computers to schools and non-profits in Northeast Ohio.

This year’s drop-off event will take place Oct. 19 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. near the main entrance of the Severance Hall parking garage on East Boulevard.

If you cannot drop off materials Friday, submit a Google form to arrange a pickup appointment.