Purchase a bouquet of flowers for Valentine’s Day

The Floral Design and Plant Care Club will host a Valentines Day Flower Sale Jan. 27 through Feb. 14.

These orders will be available for pickup on Friday February 14th from 10 am to 4 pm at Hovorka Atrium.

There are also a limited number of bouquets for delivery which can be delivered to anyone living on northside or southside on campus


  • Sign up for a free ticket on the CampusGroups to be entered into the raffle to win your choice of bouquet three (3) winners will be selected!

We will be having a Valentine’s Day Sale for bouquets!

Orders on CampusGroups will open January 27th (LIMITED NUMBER AVAILABLE)

These will be mostly PICKUP with very limited DELIVERY options
the option to purchase a vase will also be provided

Orders will close on February 7th


We will be tabling at Hovorka Atrium on February 14th from 10am to 4pm

  • there will be options to build your own flower bouquet (selecting from a variety of flowers and assembling it yourself for you or your valentine!)

Options to personalize a bouquet include but may not be limited to:

  • Cards
  • Pokemon Card
  • Stuffed animal