Practice your spoken English with workshops and conversation hours

The Spoken English Language Programs (SELP) at the School of Graduate Studies will offer three in-person workshops and several English conversation hours for graduate students, postdocs, undergraduates and their spouses/partners during July and August.

The programming is designed for international students for whom English is an additional language. 

Workshops will be held on the following Tuesdays in Tomlinson Hall, Room 135:

  • July 16 (4 to 5 p.m.): “‘Real English’: Perfecting Typical Conversational Routines and Implied Meaning in Interactions”
  • July 23 (4 to 5 p.m.): “Understanding and Making Small Talk”
  • July 30 (4:30 to 5:30 p.m.): “The Summer Olympic Games”

English conversation hours will be held on the following Thursdays at noon in Tomlinson Hall, Room 239:

  • July 11
  • July 18
  • July 25
  • Aug. 1
  • Aug. 8

Register to attend one or more of these events through CampusGroups; enrollment is limited to allow maximum conversational time for participants.

Contact Eric Moore at with questions.