Power of Diversity Lecture Series: “Jewish Identity and Antisemitism”

Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to a Power of Diversity Lecture Series event featuring Chad Alan Goldberg Friday, Sept. 20, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in the Great Hall at the Linsalata Alumni House.

Goldberg will present a talk titled “Jewish Identity and Antisemitism.”

Goldberg is the Martindale-Bascom Professor of sociology and a faculty affiliate of the Department of History (by courtesy) and the George L. Mosse/Laurence A. Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He has written since 2008 about the history and sociology of antisemitism. He teaches a course on the history of antisemitism in Europe and works to educate the public about antisemitism through interviews for news media. His award-winning books include Citizens and Paupers: Relief, Rights, and Race, from the Freedmen’s Bureau to Workfare (University of Chicago Press, 2008); Modernity and the Jews in Western Social Thought (University of Chicago Press, 2017); and (as editor) Education for Democracy: Renewing the Wisconsin Idea (University of Wisconsin Press, 2020). He has been a member of the Academic Engagement Network (AEN) since 2016. AEN is an independent, educational nonprofit made up of faculty members on over 300 campuses across the U.S. united by their shared commitment to counter antisemitism, oppose the denigration of Jewish identity, promote academic freedom and advance education about the Jewish experience and Israel. 

Register for this event.