Connection concept with push pins on a world map
Connection concept with push pins on a world map

Pop-Up Museum

Case Western Reserve University’s Art History Club, along with faculty sponsor Erin Benay, will hold a Pop-Up Museum in the Tinkham Veale University Center from Monday, April 11, to Wednesday, April 13.

With the theme “Identity and Place,” the centerpiece of the museum will be a large world map where students, faculty and staff members can directly pin places they call home. Participants will have the option to put a single pin on the map, or they can tie multiple pins together with string if they identify with multiple places. Along with the map, the museum will incorporate a curated exhibit of 2D works from the art history and art students, faculty, and staff. 

Requiring lots of community participation, pop-up museums are fun ways to engage communities in a collaborative social art and curation practice. All members of the university community are encouraged to participate and share their story.