Photo of a young woman at table for interview with man and woman

Policy research associate position available at Schubert Center

The Schubert Center for Child Studies (SCCS) is looking for a graduate-level student (law, social work, public health, psychology, anthropology, etc.) to join the SCCS team as a Policy Research Associate (PRA). The PRA is part-time (up to 10 hours per week) and is integral to advancing the mission of SCCS through research, communications, and administrative support. The PRA will contribute ideas and skills toward implementing a high-impact policy strategy to improve child well-being at the state and local levels.

The primary responsibility of the PRA is to support the SCCS’s policy strategy providing policy research and writing, as well as social media and other communications, support on child and youth-related topics. These topics include issues related to justice-involved youth (i.e., diversion programming, youth safety and policing), child and adolescent health (i.e., child lead poisoning prevention), child welfare and foster youth (i.e., alternative crisis response), education and school discipline practices (i.e., social-emotional learning), and other issues (i.e., safe and stable housing) as part of the policy engagement activities of our center. 

For more information, contact the SCCS Policy Director Gabriella Celeste at

Learn more about the PRA position.