The Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, Department of Human Resources and TIAA-CREF will offer a series of financial management workshops geared specifically toward women. The first workshop will be held Oct. 14 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in Tinkham Veale University Center, Suite 248.
The series will help women learn what they can do to help make their retirement dream come true—on schedule.
TIAA-CREF’s workshop leaders will share retirement strategies, including how to:
- Identify a “retirement vision”
- Define the simple steps to getting finances on track to reach an ideal retirement
- Learn the unique characteristics of retirement plans from 403(b) to IRAs to annuities—and which work best for different people
Refreshments will be provided at the workshop. To reserve a seat, call 800.732.8353 or register online.