Students are invited to “The Pitch: Presenting Your Research to Strangers,” a workshop to help prepare for Intersections, Research ShowCASE and the Celebration of Student Writing and Research.
This workshop, sponsored by the Writing Resource Center, will be held Thursday, March 30, from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. in A.W. Smith Building, Room 329.
Bill Doll and Barbara Burgess-Van Aken, lecturers in the Department of English, will lead the workshop.
They will provide tips on:
- Explaining a complex research project in a cogent and succinct one-minute recap (known as “the pitch”);
- Developing strategies for answering questions about one’s research;
- Capturing the attention of passerby in large, open settings;
- Being inclusive of a late arrival to the presentation; and
- Sharing speaking roles when the elevator pitch involves teams of students.
For more information, contact Burgess-Van Aken at