The Case Comprehensive Cancer Center is providing seed funding for highly innovative and impactful laboratory-based proposals focused on catchment-related cancers and risks prevalent in underserved populations. Results from this pilot are expected to provide key findings to support larger, nationally competitive grants. Only members of the Molecular Oncology, GU Malignancies, Developmental Therapeutics, Hematopoietic and Immune Biology or Cancer Imaging Programs are eligible to serve as lead PIs for this pilot award. Attention to research relevant to our catchment area is a cross-cutting theme of the Case CCC scientific programs; thus projects aligned with the Center’s strategic plan that focus on the major cancers of our catchment area, in particular those with excess incidence, morbidity, mortality or risks of cancers due to local environment, lifestyle, socioeconomic, special population factors will be prioritized. Collaborative, multi-investigator projects are particularly encouraged, especially those linking laboratory- and population-based researchers.
The primary objective of this RFA is to stimulate novel laboratory-based research in 3 main areas of catchment-associated analyses: (1) cancer biology of cancers relevant to our catchment area; (2) improved understanding of factors that contribute to cancer risks and disparities; or (3) develop and test interventions for reducing and ultimately eliminating these risks. Transdisciplinary, interprogrammatic, and translational approaches are encouraged. Cancers of interest due to excess risk in our catchment include: Breast, GYN, GI, Prostate, Lung; Risks: tobacco, obesity, poverty, stress. Links between catchment and research topic should be stated and other areas not listed here will be reviewed.
All awardees (PI/Co-PI) are expected to participate in the 2020 Cancer Disparities Symposium on March 6, 2020, and must present their research progress when requested by the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. Investigators currently funded through a pilot award should not be PIs, but may be co-Is. An informational meeting will be held to educate membership on catchment-related research and to encourage submissions.
Specific aims page: May 27, 2019
Full Application: June 21, 2019
Learn more about the opportunity and view application instructions.