Nominate a staff member for the Robin Kramer Volunteer Award

The Office of the President invites members of the campus community to nominate a non-faculty Case Western Reserve University staff member for the Robin Kramer Volunteer Award. This annual award honors one staff member whose outstanding contributions to our campus community through volunteer work have a transformational effect on university colleagues, students or visitors.

Nominations may come from any university staff or faculty member or student (self-nominations are not accepted). The Staff Advisory Council Staff Recognition Committee will receive and review nomination materials and select an outstanding candidate. This information will be provided to the Office of the President. The honoree will receive a $500 cash award and be recognized at the Staff Service Awards Luncheon in June.

Submit a nomination for the Robin Kramer Volunteer Award.

Nominations are due by Friday, Feb. 21.

Questions can be directed to the co-chairs of the Staff Recognition Committee: Paul Keeley at or Teresa Underwood at

About the award

Case Western Reserve University created the Robin Kramer Volunteer Award in honor of Robin Kramer, a university employee whose qualities and commitment to volunteerism set a standard for distinguished service.

Kramer (Aug. 5, 1955–Nov. 1, 2013) was known for her passion for serving the university and its employees. Kramer was a friendly and familiar face of the Staff Advisory Council (SAC) and loved to welcome new members at the SAC New Member Orientation. She also co-chaired the Elections and Staff Recognition Committees. Her family, friends and co‐workers remember her for her infectious smile, contagious laugh, concern, loyalty, and the support she demonstrated to the university community. Kramer’s enthusiasm and energy were evident in everything she did.

Criteria for nomination

  • Nominees must be permanent, non-faculty staff members in good standing with a minimum of five years of university service.
  • Nominees must exhibit qualities consistent with university values. These values include academic excellence and impact, inclusiveness and diversity, integrity and transparency, and effective stewardship.
  • Nominees must be actively involved in volunteer work and passionate about service to the university community.
  • Nominees cannot be a previous recipient of the award.

Should a nominee be a current member of the Staff Recognition Committee, they will recuse themselves from the selection process.

Make a nomination.

What is a volunteer?

The SAC Staff Recognition Committee would like to clarify what a volunteer is to be considered for the Robin Kramer Volunteer Award.

The word volunteering is described as an unpaid activity where someone gives their time to support an organization or an individual. Our volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together, and they have a tremendous impact on those on the receiving end.

With this in mind, think of a co-worker who always offers their time and helps student groups or campus events. Someone who takes initiative on a project outside of their day-to-day office duties. 

Has your colleague mentioned to you that they help out at their church or their local YMCA every weekend, coach Little League, or teach youngsters to read?

These are the people who are worthy of this honor and should be nominated for the Robin Kramer Award.

The following is not a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities, but a suggestion of types of volunteerism:

  • SAC
  • Local PTOs
  • Late Night Breakfast
  • Mentoring programs
  • Staff development
  • Local/public school or library boards
  • Committee work
  • Graduation/convocation
  • Booster organizations
  • Fraternal organizations
  • Churches
  • Fraternity/sorority advising
  • Student organizations
  • Committee work in professional organizations