Next UCITE session to cover “team teaching”

Team teaching can take many forms. In its purest form, it consists of two or more instructors being involved in every aspect of a course, enabling students to benefit from the different perspectives that scholars can bring to the same topic, thus showing them that knowledge is not often dichotomously right/wrong but contains subtleties of interpretation.

But more often, what is called team teaching takes a more mundane form that may more properly be called “relay teaching,” where a series of instructors are given a set of classes to teach a set of topics and, on completion, hand the class off to the next person. This is done for a variety of reasons, from enabling students to hear from experts in specific topics to more prosaic ones of scheduling or work distribution.

In either case, it is important that the student perceive the course as an integrated whole and not just a collection of fragments.

Discuss how to best achieve this result at the next UCITE session on Thursday, Jan. 22, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Herrick Room, on the ground floor of the Allen Memorial Medical Library.

Pizza, water and sodas will be provided at this session. To help estimate the amount to order, please RSVP to