The Cancer Center will soon offer investigators isotope tracing capability through the new Cancer Metabolism Shared Resource (SR) in development. Isotope tracing analysis allows investigators to monitor pathway activities, which cannot be attained by measuring the metabolites’ cellular concentrations. The facility is led by Masaru Miyagi, PhD, an expert in developing analytical methods for proteome profiling, protein structural characterization, and metabolite analysis. The facility is located in the Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine Wood Building 1st Floor (W146).
The Cancer Metabolism SR offers a full-service option, including the extraction and mass spectrometry analysis of metabolites, mass spectrometry data analysis, and results reporting; a self-service option is also available. Services to be provided by this emerging shared resource complement the targeted metabolomics services currently offered by the Metabolomics Shared Resource at the Cleveland Clinic.
Though we anticipate tracing analysis service services will be available by January 2021, contact Dr. Miyagi ( or 216.368.264) now to discuss your projects so he can start prepping during the ramp-up phase.