Meet medical professionals at Operation Smile networking dinner

Operation Smile networking dinner flyerOperation Smile will host a medical career networking event for undergraduate students to meet doctors, surgeons, nurses, dentists, speech-language pathologists and health-care related professionals from University Hospitals.

The event will be held Monday, Nov. 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Tinkham Veale University Center ballroom. Students should dress in business casual attire.

Students will learn about a career in the health care field. A panel discussion also will be held to discuss the particularities of care for children with craniofacial deformities, which is part of Operation Smile’s work.

In addition to the panel, health care professionals will be available to answer individual questions during a dessert mixer.

Dinner will be served at this event. Tickets are available through Nov. 13 on Tapingo for $5.

All proceeds will go toward the CWRU Operation Smile chapter’s annual fundraising goal, which will be donated to the international Operation Smile organization.