Headshot of Stephen Sroka

Med’s Stephen Sroka shares experience of having his life saved thanks to CPR and an AED technology

‘If it wasn’t for CPR and AED, I would be dead’: Lakewood man stresses importance of lifesaving training after Damar Hamlin incident
WKYCStephen Sroka, adjunct professor at the School of Medicine, shared his experience of having his life saved thanks to CPR and an AED technology and training following a massive heart attack—something he said is similar to the situation that Buffalo Bills football player, Damar Hamlin, experienced. “As soon as I saw him go down, I said to my wife, ‘that looks like a cardiac arrest,’ because that’s what happened to me,” Sroka said. “I should be dead; I am so blessed to be here and if it wasn’t for CPR and AED, I would be dead.”