Upcoming workshop to focus on finding, prioritizing personal time

Faculty and staff members are invited to attend a workshop titled “Get A Life: Understanding Your Most Valuable Resource—YOU!” The Department of Human Resources’ Organizational Development and Learning Unit will host the workshop Thursday, May 1, from 1 to 4:30 p.m. in Crawford Hall, room 209.

During the workshop, attendees will learn to lookout for themselves and find and prioritize personal time, while also managing work and taking care of others. Lisa Board-McShepard, training analyst in the Organizational Development and Learning Unit, will facilitate the workshop.

Online registration is required, as space is limited.

To be considered for a waitlist, email orglearning@case.edu with your name, email address and a request to be notified if a spot opens up. You will be notified if there are any cancellations, or if another workshop is offered, you will be given immediate placement, if still interested.