Faculty member Elizabeth Meckes to present at Program for Women and Mathematics

MeckesThis May, Elizabeth Meckes, associate professor of mathematics, will be one of four lecturers at the annual Program for Women and Mathematics at the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, N.J.

The IAS is one of the most prestigious centers of mathematical research in the world. Each year, the institute runs a yearlong program on a current topic of research in mathematics, with an associated special two-week program called “Women and Mathematics.”

Four senior researchers each give weeklong courses related to the year’s theme to a select group of advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs who apply from all over the country to attend the program.  The program gives outstanding female students and post-docs an opportunity to interface with senior female mathematicians, who serve as role models and mentors.

This year’s program is on random matrix theory, and Meckes’ course is called “Concentration of Measure on the Compact Classical Groups.”